In search of General Aviation enthusiasts, pilots, owners, operators and everything in between.

The beauty and resiliency of GA

2024 ongoing project.

In search of passionate individuals from the General Aviation community to be part of a unique documentary photography project. Whether you are a pilot, an aircraft owner, an aviation enthusiast, or an operator, I want to hear your stories and capture your experiences.

This project will be shot exclusively on Medium Format film, providing a timeless and authentic representation of the aviation world. We aim to create a visual narrative that highlights the diversity, dedication, and passion within the aviation community.


  • Pilots: From commercial, private, CFI’s and everything in between. Your journey, experiences, and the aircraft you fly are what I aim to showcase.

  • Aircraft Owners and Operators: Those who manage or own aircraft, sharing the unique challenges and joys that come with it.

  • Aviation Enthusiasts and Community : Anyone involved in the aviation industry with compelling stories to tell. Individuals with a deep love for aviation, whether it’s through collecting memorabilia, participating in airshows, or simply enjoying the thrill of flight.


Hi! My name is Elizabeth, I am a 20 year old Private Pilot, photographer and thorough enjoyer of fine-art photography. Shooting projects and scenes on my medium format film cameras and working in my bootleg darkroom setups have been the pinnacle of how I got involved with photography, and remains my preferred method of making meaningful work. Aviation and Film are my two greatest joys in life, and since making my first photo-zine in 2019 after the wake of Hurricane Dorian, I have been dying to attempt a full long form photo project on something I was deeply passionate about. My greatest inspiration for projects like these come from projects such as

How to Participate!

  • Email: Please send an email to with the subject line "GA Project Submission”

  • Introduction: Provide a brief introduction about yourself, your role in aviation, and what makes your story unique.

  • Photos: Attach a few photos of yourself, your aircraft, or any aviation-related activity you’re involved in.

  • Stories: Share any interesting stories, experiences, or insights you have about your journey in aviation that you would want to discuss/feature.

Thank you for your interest!

- Elizabeth :)

Follow this link to see some of my previous work

Previous Projects


Moments from Clifton