Upon Noxontown

Upon Noxontown was an idea that I had in 2019 going into my junior year of high school at St. Andrew’s School in Middletown, Delaware. Before I had the ability to shoot any images of my beautiful, special boarding school - the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic had sent us all home, and our 100% boarding community was displaced across the United States and the world. These images are the few I was able to complete in my short senior year that was plagued by quarantines, social distancing - and being virtual for nearly half the school year.

An eternal thank you to Mr. Joshua Meier for being someone I could lean on while making this incomplete body of work, and giving me the flexibility, freedoms and resources I needed throughout my senior year.

A bit more about the project was spoken about in a feature piece with Aint-Bad magazine, which can be seen here.


Moments from Clifton